Beasiswa Diploma Bahasa Arab King Abdulaziz

Ada 17 s/d 25 thn     ---> Paste dari Link                                                                          External Scholarship Admission Requirements:
1- Applicants to the DCAFL scholarship must:
a.   hold a secondary school certificate with a grade not lower than "Good". The certificate and transcript must be in Arabic or English, or translated to either language by a certified translator.
b.   be between 17 and 25 years old.
c.   not have received a scholarship from any other educational institution in the Kingdom.
d.   not have been dismissed from any educational institution in the Kingdom.
e.   provide proof of medical fitness.
f.   have a passport valid for at least two years.
g.  obtain their government approval to receive a scholarship to study in the Kingdom; this applies to citizens of countries that require Saudi students to provide the same approval.
h.  submit two letters of recommendation.
i.  (only for female applicants) be accompanied by a male guardian (mahram) who, according to the regulations, must either have received a scholarship or have a residence permit (Iqamah), or will be employed by a Saudi employer in need of his services.

2- All certificates and documents must be attested by authorities in the applicant's country.
3- The electronic application must be submitted within the announced deadline with all required documents.
4- Once admitted, applicants must continue the registration procedures and plan their arrival as instructed by email.
5- Upon their arrival to the Kingdom, applicants must pass the medical examination determined by the rules and regulations of the Kingdom and the University.
External Scholarship Application Procedure:
1-  Online application forms are submitted within the application period announced on the Arabic Language Institute website (
2-   All incomplete or inaccurate applications are rejected.
3-   Applications are then reviewed by the Admission Committee who decides which applicants are nominated for the scholarship.
4-   Nominated applications will be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval and final admission.
5-   Admitted applicants will be contacted via email to verify at which Embassy of the Kingdom they prefer to receive their entry visa.
6-   After the visa is issued, applicants must visit the Saudi Embassy for attestation of documents and to complete the necessary formalities for traveling to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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"Aku wasiatkan kepada kamu untuk bertakwa kepada Allah; mendengar dan taat (kepada penguasa kaum muslimin), walaupun seorang budak Habsyi. Karena sesungguhnya, barangsiapa hidup setelahku, dia akan melihat perselishan yang banyak. Maka wajib bagi kamu berpegang kepada Sunnahku dan Sunnah para khalifah yang mendapatkan petunjuk dan lurus. Peganglah dan gigitlah dengan gigi geraham. Jauhilah semua perkara baru (dalam agama). Karena semua perkara baru (dalam agama) adalah bid’ah, dan semua bid’ah adalah sesat." (HR. Abu Dawud no: 4607; Tirmidzi 2676; Ad Darimi; Ahmad; dan lainnya dari Al ‘Irbadh bin Sariyah).